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A Blog for May

By Blog, Food for thought, Uncategorized

MapMarkerMy Australian schedule is coming to an end for a couple of months having just completed a 2 day home course this past weekend plus the ongoing young horse intake. It will then be time to start to get ready to head out for the U.K. at the end of next month. During the month of April I have travelled to Bowral – N.S.W., Canberra – ACT and Serpentine in Western Australia with courses and lessons etc.  It is always great to see the progress of all in my travels. Particularly for those that have been attending courses for some time, I always remember where you started from.18221911_1851803965143631_427641186028701635_n

The image above and below was a young horse start with the owner riding the young horse for the first time. This was in Serpentine, W.A. at a course organised by Horsemanship First organiser Jenny Jackson. These sort of situations are great learning for all, regardless if  you are participating or watching. Every horse has the ability to learn and to teach.

I have just started to put together next seasons schedule so please keep an eye on the course schedule over the next few months. In November it is likely that there will be a cost starting course here at home in Qld. This will be invitational, so please email me if you are interested. I have also added a horsemanship article below as well for all to read.


Feel is such an intangible thing and what it means to you today will change over time. To get your horse to operate from a feel both on the ground and ridden is something to aspire to. Many can drive a horse but still not have the horse following a feel on the halter or feeling down to the feet. Many riders can get to where they are just pulling on the reins or lead rope rather than feeling of the horse. As a result of just pulling you may be building in resistance or a brace. In a recent conversation with a friend an observation was  that when a horse steps over a pole on the ground with feel, the horse will not knock the pole. I remember Ray pointing out to a group of us one time, a horse that was not feeling down to the feet and then when the horse was really feeling with feet. It was too completely different pictures,  observe your own horse in the way that they move at different gaits and in different situations. Equally before the horse moves they have to get ready to move, in this case the weight must shift.

While appreciating that many have heard and read the above several times before, we do have start living this more to gain the benefits.

When I started putting this blog together it was the beginning of May and now we are at the end of May. The year is flying by, I look forward to meeting up with all those in the U.K. in the next few weeks.

An Autumnal Aust

By Blog, Food for thought, Uncategorized

MapMarkerI am now back from the spring of the Northern Hemisphere and into the autumn of the Southern Hemisphere. The past week has been spent putting up flood fences etc from the floods of Cyclone Debbie, we were lucky with no stock loses or building damage and grateful for the rain.

Next week I will be back on the road again in Australia starting with a 3 day private course in Bowral, N.S.W. and then riding horses in Canberra before flying back over to the west coast for a week long course with Horsemanship First Organiser Jenny Jackson. On arriving back home I have horses coming in for starting and then I have a home course that will be a Horsemanship and Cow Working Course. For any that are needing more information or enquiries please go to the website course schedule, courses   or alternatively email me at [email protected]

I have again added a horsemanship article or rambling that I trust will prove helpful.

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The above images are from the Legacy of Legends in Fort Worth, Texas.


When I was in the U.S recently I had an opportunity to spend a few days with some good people not only are they good with the horse, they have an empathy for the horse and are also good people to be around. While there is always a lot to be learned when you are riding a horse, I also believe there is a lot to be learned when you are having a conversation in the evening. The more experience that a rider has around horses, good or otherwise, often the better the conversation.

This conversation probally leads on from February’s blog and so with one of my friends we were discussing a soft feel. The conversation stared with me asking a question. Do you think that the soft feel is misunderstood, from what Ray Hunt intended. We both thought that this was the case, of course we might both want to review our current understanding over time. It appears today that many believe that a soft feel is more related to vertical flexion, while this has a part to play.  If we can understanding the preparation to the position more, then perhaps we might have a better understanding of what we are trying to attain. ( That has to help the horse to start with )

As riders we may not appreciate how sensitive the horse is and we can often get to where we are just pulling on the horse to try and get the horse to come to the vertical. I am sure that this is not what Ray meant, when he spoke of  a soft feel. When you would see Ray ride a horse, irrelevant of the horse being a young horse or an older horse. The horse was always in balance and the flexion was appropriate. Equally Ray always looked like he was a part of the horse and in balance with the horse. The question was put to Ray one time if he had ever had any equitation lessons, his answer was no. As he elaborated he said that it was easy to ride a horse that is in balance. Equally the soft feel has more quality and weighs nothing, even if the horse is not at the vertical, they feel like you have them on a thread of cotton. The horse is operating more on a feel than a physical containment, of course for may of us this may only be for a moment or to, but that is a start anyway.

These days I get a little reluctant to speak of Ray to much, for fear of  misquoting him. Many have a part or an understanding of what this is about, so the above is more about causing us all to broaden our  horizons and perspectives.  A quote that Ray would sometimes use was that the last thing that you learn is the first thing that you need to know.

February’s 2017 Blog

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MapMarker It has been a good start to the new year with young horses and cattle work. My course schedule started off recently with a 2 day course at home in Central Queensland, everyone made a lot of progress and the riders were a great group to teach. There is another 2 day course planned for May 20 & 21, this will be a horsemanship and cow working course.

I am now in New Zealand and have just finished a great 2 day course in the North Island at Russell Higgin’s facility, Brumby Farm. I have not seen Russell and Ruth for some time, so was great to catch up, and thank you for your hospitality. There is now a 3 day course this weekend in the South Island near Timaru, details are available on the website.

Also there are still a couple of young horse places available for my next intake in May in Australia. Places can go quickly, so if you are interested then please email me at [email protected]

I have included a small horsemanship article below, I trust that all will enjoy.

A young horse from the U.K.

A young horse from the U.K.

In reading a recent interview with Carl Hester, he spoke of situations where riders have a horse that has impulsion at the canter, but is not in balance and how riders then slow the horse down to where there is more balance in the canter, but no impulsion. Equally you could say this is true of other gaits as well.

Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance spoke of Feel, Timing and Balance. As a rider, and as your position and effectiveness as a rider improves, so to will your feel and timing. You will not use the reins for your balance and you will gain a feel for when the horse is in balance.

If you can count strides with your horse’s feet, at the different gaits, you will develop your feel and timing. Equally an exercise to try, might be to count how many canter strides to a marker and as your eye for a stride develops you can increase the strides. This exercise will also help you to develop a canter that is adjustable and one that you can lengthen and shorten.

With time you will continue to refine and redefine what a good saddle horse means. Most of all, we need to enjoy the process and realise that this is not a race and there is not a finish line.



2017 New Year Start

By Blog

MapMarkerMy First Website Blog for 2017. The new year is now upon all of us, my 2017 schedule is up on the website and will adjust as needed. So please review the schedule for new updates. Presently I start my course schedule off with a course here at home in Queensland, this course has one rider spot left. I do have another course planned for May here at home as well. After the Queensland course it is off to both Islands in New Zealand, a quick trip back to Australia and then I am off to the U.S. for a month for the Legacy of Legends in Fort Worth and will catch up with Mike Bridges in California. In April I have another course in Western Australia with Jenny Jackson at Horsemanship First. There are also a couple of young horse spots left for the young horse intake in May.



Horsemanship: With the courses here at home I often have a horsemanship and cow working course. It is a good combination and works well together.  In recent conversations with friends that are  involved with the cattle industry we were speaking about how many riders when having issues working a cow tend to work more cattle. ( There is a ball cap with the lettering: Just One More Cow, anyone coming from the cow working competition arena would smile at this.) Knowing when to quit and take a different approach is all part of knowledge and experience. The same may be true of other  disciplines as well.


If we could be a little more lateral in our approach and look at improving our flatwork and working on our horsemanship, the results maybe different. There are times when you see a rider get the horse engaged in front of a cow or going over a jump and without the cow or jump struggle to get the engagement or are trying to force it. I also have knowingly used the cow or jump to do the same, equally I also tend to spend more time improving my flat work, working on transitions, straightness, balance, improving my horses confidence. I may do this from the ground or from the horse’s back.

Then when I come to the cow I and my horse are more prepared.   Ray used to say that confidence is knowing that you are prepared I believe that this is true for both horse and rider. Use the purpose or discipline to find out where the holes are in your principle.






November’s Blog

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MapMarkerIt is hard to believe that we are in November and nearly at the end of another year. The last months travel has taken me to W.A. and recently Braidwood in NSW, Wamboin just outside Canberra and Bowral. Next week I am back home in Qld  and will have the last course of the year at home. For those that are interested in this course please email me.

The image below was from a course that I had in Serpentine in Western Australia with Jenny Jackson at Horsemanship First.


Past Reflections: The first Ray Hunt course I went to was in 1986 and I promised Ray that I would work really hard on my horsemanship. I did not understand his reply at the time when he said don’t work to hard at it son, I am still working hard on my horsemanship , equally though I now have a better understanding of what Ray meant by those words. I have also had many that have helped me over the years some very well known and others not known at all.

In reflection over past years it has been interesting to watch the evolvement of the horse industry and horsemanship in general. You now see where many riders have some sort of ground work repertoire, many are wanting to consider and understand things from the horses perspective. Riding has in general changed for the better and riders now have more access to information and knowledge than ever before, whether this be in the form of books, DVDs or internet.

Again in my travels I have had the opportunity to meet, many people from all over the world. Some have been leaders in their respective fields and others leaders of large companies and leaders of families. Many have an interesting story to tell and many have become good friends and if they choose to  give advice I really try hard to listen and act on this. I know they are going to ask me if I have done my homework. These people also have a huge desire to learn and improve. They have a real fire in their belly, that is very hard to put out.

Those that really progress with their horsemanship are ones that continue to educate themselves, do their home work and keep the fire stoked. As Ray could not do “it” for me, nor I for others. If you can learn to do “it” for your horse and yourself , what you will lean, will be more valuable.



An Australian Summer

By Blog

MapMarkerIt has been a few months since my last website blog when I had just landed in the U.K.  It was a very busy time in the U.K. with young horse intakes and clinics etc. On my way over to the U.K. and also on the way back to Australia  I caught up with my good friends in Dubai.

13770456_1136956626346561_3920706874958095756_nWhen I am in Dubai I get to spend a little time at one of the Royal families private stables that my  good friend Juan manages. To be able to offer a little assistance to the professionals that work in these stables is always humbling. Equally to see the improvement that has been made over time is very rewarding.

In recent clinics I have really tried to differentiate the difference in pulling and holding the horse in a frame and riding the horse forward into a frame. Often what is natural for the human is not for the horse and vice versa. As a result in many cases you see examples of where the rider is fighting the movement of the horse through their riding and by pulling back on the reins. Modern day dressage appears to now be an example of where riders at the top level are really moving with the horse and being rewarded for doing so.


_MG_7177Balance ,Collection, Suppleness are all words that are spoken of around the dinner table, it is being able to be an example of the words that we speak that is more difficult. As I reflect back over the years of my own teachers I really believe that they were examples of their words.

Presently I am in Western Australia holding a 5 day course, in the next few weeks I will be in Braidwood, NSW. It has been many years since I was last in Braidwood so I am looking forward to catching up with many old and new friends. After that I will be in the Sydney area briefly and then in Victoria. If there are any that are wanting lessons or horses ridden please email me at [email protected]

I do try and keep my website schedule updated with changes and additions to my young horse intakes and course schedule. With my Australian schedule now underway I look forward to visiting with both old and new friends along the way.

Back in the UK

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MapMarker My U.K. schedule starting off in the north of England at the beginning of July then headed to Scotland. We have also been down south to the New Forrest as well. The first intake of young horses is now almost at a close with the handover course this coming weekend. Many of the horses on this intake have been restarts or have previoulsy been bucking riders off. The image below is of one of the horses that has been here for a couple of weeks. It has been enjoyable riding these horses and seeing how far they can progress in the time available . If we can keep the horse in balance it really helps the horse to not to get worried. This is a life long lesson for all of us.





One of the highlights of my U.K. trip this year has been a ride in an Aston Martin DB 9 convertible with the ride living up to expectations.  It has been great catching up with everyone on the courses and the foundation weeks and seeing the progress riders are making. My U.K. schedule is available for viewing on my website. For further enquiries please email or contact Tina at:  [email protected]

An Australian May Autumnal Blog.

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MapMarker It has been a few months since I last updated my website blog. Recent travels have seen me in Perth W.A. and in Hervey Bay Qld, many thanks to Jenny Jackson and family and to Megan Wray and the Qld Pony Club. Without course hosts, courses do not happen.  To the riders and spectators I very much hope that you were able to improve on your horsemanship and enjoyed the class. This week sees me just outside of Sydney for the week and then I have another intake of young horses coming for May and June. There is also another lesson day here at my family’s property in May and in June another 2 day course is scheduled for Victoria at St Andrews.

During recent courses I spoke about riding your horse from leg to hand. Many riders find that when they pick up on a soft feel that their horse starts to slow down or that they lose forwards.  Having your horse in front of your leg but not escaping from your leg was something that seemed to resonate with some riders. Also the use of trotting poles, cavaletties  and small jumps was a means to help some riders and horses regain forwards in their horses.  Equally as the horse’s impulsion began to improve so did the straightness in the horses.  As a result then when they picked up on a soft feel again they had more quality with their horses being more engaged and lighter in the front end.   In regards to straightness I spoke about looking at your horses tracks when you ride away from home and when he is coming home. Most riders will feel their horse rides home a little better than when he is going away from home.

DSC02719The image above is not a trotting pole and the jump the horse took was a little bigger than some riders would like. What was interesting about this horse was that you could tell when he was going to make the jump and when he was thinking of not jumping. When the horse was coming into the jump with ears pricked forward and good impulsion, he would carry you into the jump and over. As a generalisation, a horse with poor impulsion was also expressed in the overall expression of the horse and they would run out or refuse the jump.[ Riders, do not worry if jumping is not your thing, we can just stick to the trotting poles ]

Ray Hunt said more than once,  the horse is the fact and the human has an opinion. Getting our opinion and facts to match up is part of reading the horse and that comes with time and experience.  As I have at times mentioned during courses this will be a long road to ride with more than a few pot holes along the way. At times all I can do is to encourage all to ride forward and straight.

February Blog

By Blog, Food for thought

MapMarkerSince my last website blog, I can now say that we have enjoyed some very much needed rain here in Central Queensland. Presently I have another intake of young horses in at the moment, with a couple having gone home over the weekend. This intake have a ranging of ages from 3 to 8 years of age. A couple of the 3 year olds I started as 2 year olds. To my knowledge they had not been ridden since, what I find really encouraging is that you can pick up right where you left off.  I have seen this happen on many occasions now and I really believe that when the foundation is solid you have something dependable to fall back on, some horses it may take a little while for this to happen.

Throughout my travels, I see situations where riders are bringing their horses back into work after a spell either through the winter weather  or having turned a young horse away after starting etc. As mentioned if you have something to fall back on then it is often a non event.

Other News – I have now had a couple of courses here at my families cattle property in Central Queensland. I have another Horsemanship – Cow Working course planned for the Easter weekend, also in May I have another lesson day planned. More info is available on the course schedule page of the website. Or email me at [email protected]

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Horsemanship –  The image above is from the Legacy of Legends event in Tamworth, Australia that I spoke of in last months blog. Some of the exercises that you do either on the ground or in the saddle, either starting a colt / young horse or with an older horse maybe the same or similar. As your knowledge base grows and you have more depth to your understanding then you will look at the exercises differently and be able to help the horse more with where they are at. To many, I guess it can get a little repetitive and while the message seems a simple one, there is much more to it.  When you see the exercises done with feel and timing, the outcome is often very different to when the exercises are done without feel and timing.

The first one of Ray Hunt’s courses that I went to in the mid eighties, Ray would have us tell him when one of the horse’s feet where leaving the  ground. The last course I was at in 2009 Ray was still asking us to tell him when one of the horse’s feet where leaving the ground. Many of us know the footfalls of the horses gaits and a few ride the footfalls.

Those from the jumping world will know the relevance of counting strides, but you don’t have to be a jump rider to count strides and you don’t have to wait until you are riding an older saddle horse, you can do this on any horse. It will also help your feel and timing and you can do this on the ground or in the saddle. It will help with lead changes to feeling the rhythm and tempo of the gaits and much more. Even if we are not right all the time, I believe that the fact that your horse can feel you are trying to help, they will fill in for us.

2016, The New Year Starts

By Blog, Food for thought, Uncategorized

MapMarkerJanuary 2016  started with a weeks stay in  Tamworth, Australia for the Legacy of Legends event. It was an exceptional 3 day event and well supported by the southern hemisphere audience with numbers bigger than the first Legacy of Legends event held in Tamworth in 2014.  It was also great to see many friends from the U.S. make it across to Australia for this event.  It may have been just to escape the winter of the Northern Hemisphere. Carolyn Hunt & Buck Brannaman have bought this event across from the U.S. with the enormous help of  Anthony and Deb Desreaux in organizing it.

The schedule consisted of colt starting, horsemanship, cow working  and roping sessions. The image below was from the last morning session of the colt start and was of Buck helping me to get on this filly from the fence. The presentation that Buck gave using this filly and explaining what was taking place was a topic of conversation for many of the audience. A few of the comments Buck made during the presentation were about the importance of changing eyes and not pushing and having good flexion when bringing the forequarters though plus the placement of the feet. While the session did not start here and was a little western at the beginning, to feel the difference in this horse at the end was exceptional. It is difficult to put all the lessons into words and for many the lessons would have been a more visual.

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After Tamworth it was off to Southport on the Gold Coast in Queensland, not for the Magic Millions but for the annual state pony club conference held at the Southport Pony Club grounds.  The Qld State Pony Club have been holding horsemanship courses throughout the state for a number of years now. They are to be commended for seeing the importance of horsemanship in their curriculum.

In  February I have horses coming in for starting,  plus cattle work with a lesson day in early February at my family’s cattle station. I also have a 4 day horsemanship & cow working course at the end of March at home as well. For more information please email me at [email protected]

I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year and look forward to catching up through out my travels during the year.